The Carver County Republican Party is composed of lots of volunteers in many roles.
We work to keep an educated and engaged electorate.
2 year cycle
Election Year Caucus Delegates join the organization.
Delegates attend, County, CD and State Conventions to Endorse Candidates.

Things to know for conventions
Basics of Robert's Rules of Order
These materials can help you follow how meetings go, the basics for conventions.
Robert's Rules of Order
Basics - 5 part video series
Robert's Rules Mock Meeting
Claudia Gray lead various do's and don'ts of the use of Robert's Rules.
Agenda Example: Robert's Rules
Parliamentarian Tim Wynn explains who can add items to the agenda, according to Roberts Rules.
Robert's Rules Revealed: How to Avoid Bylaw Mistakes
By watching this episode, you'll learn valuable tips and tricks for creating and revising bylaws that will help ensure the success of your organization.
Documents to Review
These are the foundation documents for the organization.
Carver County Constitution
The best document to understand the organizational framework.
Carver County Bylaws
Operational details and functional information.
Congressional District 6 Constitution
Congressional District 6 contains 12 BPOUs.
MN GOP Constitution
The state party organization.
Trainings, Information, and Ways to be More Effective.
Being a member of the party can help you develop new skills, prepare you for ways to serve your community, and support others.
Leadership Institute Trainings
Search a variety of trainings held live online or on demand which can help you with writing, communications, goal setting, campaign efforts and more to support your efforts.
History of the Republican Party
Did you know the Party held its first meeting in 1854 in Ripon, Wisconsin. Two months later, a larger group met in Jackson, Michigan, to choose the party’s first candidates for statewide office.
Latest news and information from the Center for the American Experiment
The Center of the American Experiment is more than a think tank. It not only researches and produces papers on Minnesota’s economy, education, health care, the family, employee freedom and state and local governance.
This is a good place to keep informed.
Stay current with news and events through Alpha News.
They bring You the Local, State, and National News the Mainstream Media Refuses to Report.
Carver County Quick Page Links
Political Contribution Refund (PCR) Program
Get money back from the state of Minnesota to support the operations of this local organization.