Democrats failed to show up to represent you.
Democrats are always costing us more, Lucy was not working, not following the law, delaying business, and not helping you.
- Getting paid while missing committee work!
- DFL Reps not working delays all efforts!
- By staying home, they were holding the MN House hostage, unable to do work because they didn't show up!
Phase 1 Petition has been submitted to the SOS on 2/13/2025
The PETITION has MOVED to the MN SUPREME COURT- Case #A25-0247
Please pledge your support for the next phase!
After the petition is reviewed by the MN Supreme Court and found that the grounds for recall are met- we will need to gather nearly 7,000 signatures from voters in 48B.
Submit your interest in signing the petition to Recall HD48B- Lucy Rehm using the form below.
You must be a resident of Chanhassen or Chaska W1P1, W2P2, W3 or W4 to sign the petition.
This is just a contact page, so we know you are interested.
The Carver County Republicans are preparing a proposed recall for HD48B.
Sign-up to help with the RECALL HD48B Lucy Rehm

Petition Process
Step 1- Prepare, then submit a "Proposed Recall Petition" with at least 25 signatures to the Secretary of State (and $100 fee). The petition must list the grounds for recall. It is reviewed by the MN SOS office, then if valid, sends it to the MN Supreme Court for review.
Step 2- The Chief Justice of the MN Supreme Court determines if the grounds listed in the proposed recall petition meet the constitutional and statutory standards for recall. Rules regarding recall petitions are found in Minnesota Rules 8205.2000-8205.2120.
Step 3- Then a public hearing on the petition must be held within 21 days to determine that the allegations are true and if there is sufficient grounds for recall. After that public hearing, the appointed special master must report the findings to the supreme court within 7 days of the hearing. Then, within 20 days of receipt of the special master's report, the MN Supreme Court must determine whether the grounds for recall have been met.
Step 4 - Once the MN Supreme Court finds that the Grounds for Recall are met, the court orders the MN Secretary of State's office to issue a new petition. The number of signatures on this petition will determine if a recall election will be held.
Step 5- We have 90 days to collect signatures on the official recall petition.
- Registered voters (>18 y/o) - signatures are verified by the MN SOS.
- Live in the district
- 90 day limit to gather 25% of the total vote for that seat in the last election
Recalling Elected State Officials
Article VIII, Section 6 of the Minnesota Constitution and Minnesota Statutes 211C provide a process for the recall of elected state officials. The grounds for recall of an officer other than a judge are serious malfeasance or nonfeasance during the term of office in the performance of the duties of the office or conviction during the term of office of a serious crime. You can find more on the MN Secretary of State Page regarding recalls.
What actions constitute grounds for recall?
A recall is permitted for “malfeasance,” “nonfeasance,” and “serious crime.”
- Malfeasance means intentionally doing something unlawful or wrong while performing duties of the office; the act must be substantially outside of the scope of duties and substantially infringe upon another’s rights.
- Nonfeasance means intentionally and repeatedly not performing required duties of the office.
- Serious crime means a crime that is a gross misdemeanor and involves assault, intentional injury, threat of injury, dishonesty, stalking, aggravated
driving while intoxicated, coercion, obstruction of justice, or the sale or possession of controlled substances. Serious crime also means a
misdemeanor crime that involves assault, intentional injury or threat of injury, dishonesty, coercion, obstruction of justice, or the sale or possession
of controlled substances. An individual who is convicted of a felony is automatically removed from office, so a felony conviction is not specified as grounds for recall.
Petition signatures MUST BE from registered voters who live IN THE DISTRICT.
Our recall efforts will cost time and money - flyer and petition printing, digital advertising and announcements, meeting room fees, and more.
Any help you feel you are able to provide, moves us towards the goal of ending DFL games.
Unleash your network!
Ensure the latest information finds it's way to the people you know by getting them signed up for emails.