Blank check for Edcuation


How do we measure success in education? Graduation rates alone do not tell the whole story, especially when students struggle to perform basic skills like reading.  Math abilities and science literacy are at an all time low.  What can we do to improve?

What can we do?  Because throwing money at the problem isn't working.

  • Can we identify the schools with the most success?
  • What are the best practices in education?
  • What did we change or abandon that got us here?

Best school districts in Minnesota

Have you ever wondered which Minnesota school districts are the best?  Three out of the top 10 districts on this list are charter schools: Nova Classical Academy, St. Croix Preparatory Academy, and Eagle Ridge Academy Charter School.

Even the best public schools don’t produce the greatest results.

Read more here on MN Schools

Opportunities for All Kids

MN Students need remedial education

Although many high school graduates believe they’re ready for college, testing from prominent sources such as SAT and ACT show otherwise.  Reports are showing that many recent high school graduates are getting to college and finding they must take remedial courses to catch up.

Graduating student information

Minnesota Schools Report Card- Dept. Of Education

Search your school district up and see how well they are doing in subjects.  Find out if they are mastering the standards.  How many students graduate and go on to college?

Hopkins HS scores

Is K-12 on Track?

Only 35 percent of Minnesotans believe things in K-12 education are going in the right direction, according to a survey by Morning Consult. 

The majority of Minnesota students are not meeting grade-level standards in reading or math, as measured by the state’s Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments, and academic achievement on national assessments shows Minnesota student performance the lowest it has been in 30 years.

Full story on K-12 performance

cell phone

Cell phone distractions?

The 2024 legislative session passed a statewide mandate requiring schools adopt rules regarding students’ possession and use of cell phones while in school. 

School leaders will receive information around best practices and schools will be required to have policies in place by March 2025.

Results of banning cell phones in school

Link to the Education Policy Bill

Science- can you find the best HS STEM reading?

Have you ever looked at your HS library for a STEM book which should be available?  You might be surprised to see the top listed STEM books for HS students are not found in the libraries at our schools.

List of science books for HS

Fully funded?

As Minnesota schools set their budgets for the upcoming academic year, many are facing shortfalls. Districts are seeing deficits triggered by inflation, costs associated with new legislative requirements and a looming fiscal cliff as pandemic funds are set to expire in September. 

St. Paul schools are facing a budget crisis

Budget shortfall $107.5 Million for Minneapolis

Minnesota 2024 READ Act

For decades, reading proficiency has been at a crisis level in our state. Standardized test scores have consistently indicated nearly half of Minnesota students are not reading proficiently by the end of third grade.

The goal of the Minnesota READ Act is to have every child reading at or above grade level every year, beginning in kindergarten, and to support multilingual learners and students receiving special education services in achieving their individualized reading goals.

$90 Million Literacy Legislation

National Experts Highly Critical of Minnesota’s Social Studies Standards

MDE largely disregarded feedback from handpicked reviewers

Three of the four expert reviewers — with years of experience related to social studies subject matter — criticized the standards and benchmarks. Reviewers highlighted not only political bias but numerous examples of broad and imprecise wording, definition and contextual problems, and immeasurability. 

Read the Policy Brief

Expert Review of Social Studies Standard

Improvements happen in schools when people are more engaged.

  • Run for school board
  • Volunteer in a classroom
  • Advocate for school choice