Lucy is phony as her bills

Bills in the MN House

What did Lucy really do besides vote the way the DFL wanted her to?  Did she ever listen to her constituents? Have her bills appropriated taxpayer dollars to things that should not be the roll of government? Is the DFL funding projects that benefit just a few people for large amounts of money?

Help uncover government waste.

Do you see questionable spending in MN House Bills?

This is your money. Would you spend it on this?

Because when they don't spend it wisely, we don't have money for things we need.

Rep. Lucy Rehm authored or co-authored bills

Lawns to Legumes



Introduced 3/5/2025

$1,500,000 in fiscal year 2026 is appropriated from the general fund to the Board of
Water and Soil Resources for the lawns to legumes program under Minnesota Statutes,
section 103B.104. The board may enter into agreements with local governments, Metro Blooms, and other organizations to support this effort. This is a onetime appropriation and
is available until June 30, 2029.

Learn more about the grant

Any Minnesotan can apply to receive reimbursement for native planting projects and support at-risk pollinators like the monarch butterfly and rusty patched bumble bee. Each spring and fall, a new cohort of participants gets selected to take part in the program.

Please note that applying for Lawns to Legumes cost-share funding does not guarantee you will receive funding. If your application is awarded funding, it will be in the form of reimbursement. 

How is this program funded?

Lawns to Legumes comes through the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources and is funded by the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR), as well as the Minnesota General Fund. The US Fish and Wildlife Service also supports Lawns to Legumes. Blue Thumb manages the individual support part of the program.

Restoring Campfire MN Mansion



Introduced 2/13/2025

$1,500,000 in fiscal year 2026 is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner
of employment and economic development for a grant to Camp Fire Minnesota, a 501(c)(3)
nonprofit organization
, to restore a historic mansion for year-round programming and
complete a waterfront erosion and expansion project. This appropriation is available until
the project is completed or abandoned,
subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.642. This is a onetime appropriation.

More about the Mansion

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Are these essential?  With the looming deficit- there has to be some items we can say it's not the responsibility of government.

Other DFL bills

AI impact study



Introduced 2/19/2025

By January 1, 2027, the commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency must submit a report on the environmental impacts of artificial intelligence to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over environment policy and energy policy. (Read more here)

$....... in fiscal year 2026 is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of
the Pollution Control Agency to conduct the study and prepare the report required by section 1.

Read Bill Language HERE

Grant funding provided to renovate historic Wayzata Section House

GRANT FUNDING provided to renovate Wayzata Section House 


Introduced 3/10/2025

$641,000 in fiscal year 2026 is appropriated from the arts and cultural heritage fund to
the commissioner of administration for a grant to the city of Wayzata to renovate the historic
Wayzata Section House and convert it to a Lakeshore Learning Center.

Learn more about the project

As of June 2024, Phase II is wrapping up! This phase included Lakeshore Restoration, the Lakewalk and brand new community docks at Broadway Ave and the Depot. Phase II was a total of about $11.5 mil and was funded by the City (56%), State Bonds (35%), and the Wayzata Conservancy (9%). 

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MN House Bills

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