The most recent survey outcomes you might like to see.
CURRENT SURVEY - Respond by DEC 1st.
Delegate Survey: We would love to understand what you think of the caucus and delegate process, what questions you have, what more you can do, and refine our information to make this a good experience.
- Are you frustrated with the state of things in Minnesota?
- What was the top issue that comes to mind when you think about elections?
- Will you be attending Caucus Tuesday, February 27, 2024?
- Have you attended an event in Carver County in 2023?
- Would you be willing to attend events? Please select those that you would be interested in attending.
January 2023 survey of Caucus Attendees - 80 respondents, 38.75% were first time Caucus
Attendees. 100 % of these people voted in the general election.
74.36% Vote in Person
Following Caucus activities and related endorsing conventions, did you participate in any of the following political activities? (mark all that apply)